Please solve this....

Please solve this.... 6. If x p, express each of the following in terms Of x, 7. (a) If loglox=a, log,øp =band logwz •a expresszin terms of x, y If —a, logia y and logia: = 3a—2b, express z in terms of x, y (c) If I-ognx = a, Jew y' and log: 10 a —h, prove that log,o: and are reciprocal of each

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6)a) We can say, 10^p = x

b) 10^p multiplied by 10 = 10x

c) (10^p)^2/10^3 =x^2/1000

d) 10^2/10^p = 100/x

7)a) Clearly, 10^a = x, 10^b = y, 10^(a+b) = z

z = 10^(a+b)

Or, z = 10^a multiplied by 10^b = x multiplied by y = xy

I hope the remaining now you can do yourself easily now :-)
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This is required answer of 7(c)

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