Please solve this.

Dear Student, 
Net Value Added at Market Price by Firm
=  Sales + Change in stock – Purchase of intermediate products – Depreciation
= (Domestic sales + Exports + Increase in stocks) – (Domestic purchase of raw materials and other inputs + Imports of raw material) – Depreciation of fixed capital
= (1800 + 200 + 200) - (600+100) - 75
= 1425
Net Value Added at Factor Cost by Firm
Net value added at market price – Indirect taxes
= 1425 - 50 
= 1375
Sum of Factor Incomes
= Salaries and wages + Interest payments + Dividends + Undistributed profits + Rent payments + Corporate Profit Tax
= 600 + 450+150+ 80 + 75 + 20
= 1375
Hence, Net Value Added at Factor Cost and Sum of Factor Incomes  is equal.

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