Please tell for the answer of question number 24.
Q.24. Every household produces a lot of material A daily. In one of the methods of disposal B, material A is burned at a very high temperature of about 1000 ° C in a structure called C. During this process. the organic matter present is removed as D and E whereas F is left behind can be dumped in a landfill site.
(i) What is the material A?
(ii) Name the method of disposal B?
(iii) What is the structure C known as?
(iv) What are D, E?
(v) What is F?

I think A is nothing but garbage.
B is nothing but incineration.
Structure C may be knnown as incinerator
D and E may be Carbon dioxide and water plus some other gases.
Then F is ash.
Hope it helpps!

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