Please tell me the format and some pointers to write debate for the motion of the topic " Internet Cannot replace a classroom teacher ".

Dear Student,
Given below are a few points that will help you frame a complete answer.
The format for a debate would include the title and your stand on the topic, that is, for the topic or against the topic. After that you are expected to introduce the topic and give justifications as you why you support or deny the fact.

Internet cannot ever replace a teacher. Few points which you might want to know in favour of your topic are:

  • Conventional yet true, imparting of knowledge by a teacher is always more productive and efficient than Internet.

  • The best Internet can do is provide us with the information. However, until and unless someone teaches us the same it won't be the same. Audio visual effects on a three dimensional level as a teacher is always more helpful than Internet.

  • Computers can never make people learn or understand anything. Also, Internet cannot solve our doubts and queries like a teacher.

  • Books and guidance from teachers are always more productive than Internet access.

  • Internet and computers can never coach us to become a nice human being which teachers can. The overall development of personality as well as the ethical growth of a student lies in the hands of a teacher and not with computers.

    I hope you find this answer helpful. Please post more questions on the forum to be assisted by our team.
    Thank you.

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I Love it,

Computers will definitely not be able to substitute for teachers. Although a computer provides students with many illustrations for the lesson, it does not have emotion, which plays an important role in supporting students' mental development. While teachers can realize both positive and negative feelings of their students in order to adjust teaching methods to be more suitable, a computer fails to do this job. By offering encouragement, teachers can easily help their unsuccessful students improve study results.

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First you have to write that you will be writing for the motion or against the motion.
Then you have to give reasons that why internet cannot replace a classroom teacher if you are speaking for the motion.Debate will be written in 3 first para you have to discuss the issue. In second importance of the issue and in 3rd conclusion.You will be arguing your partner in sentences like
1.I would like to oppose
2.As my worthy opponent said
3.I firmly oppose
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