Please tell the answers experts.
Charu Bhoddy

Please tell the answers experts. Regards Charu Bhoddy SESSION '0/900 INTERCHANGE or OCAOJCCTIVCS WORKSHEET.' Rewrue •he to the do not change meaning 01 •cntence. I Very in 'he W, . 2 Silva is than gold. (Devin Oold i', , J, Of the greatest of Indian Kings. (Uegin Very few... ) u mightier than the sword. (Begin The sword is.. A is than u feu»lish friend. (Begin A fixyligh friend... j than she does .(End... ...asldo) 7. Lei i' of all metals (Use heavy) g He tx»y in the class . (Begin He is.. I knowhün quite as well as you do . (Begin You do not..) IL Vay few cities as large as Delhi. (Begin Delhi is bigger.. I. is the highest in the world. (Use 'higher 12) 'Shakuntula• is better than any other drama in Sanskrit (Use •as good as') No town in Malaysia i, as old as Malacca (use •the oldest') animal. (Use •as ferocious the village. (Use •the richest')

Dear Student,

Here are your answers - 

1. He is more dedicated than most of the doctors in the hospital.
2. God is not as plentiful as silver.
3. Very few Indian kings were as great as Akbar.
4. The sword is not as mighty as the pen.
5. A foolish friend is not as good as a wise enemy.
6. She does not get up as early as I do.
7. No other metal is as heavy as Lead.
8. He is an average boy in the class.
9. You do not know him as well as I do.
10. Delhi is bigger than most of the cities.

Due to paucity of time, it is not possible for us to answer these many questions all at once. Please create a different thread for the rest of the questions.


  • 1
i cannot answer ur question beause i am not an expert
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