Please tell the personal information of indira Gandhi from birth to death reference to the bangladesh war

Dear Student,

Indira Gandhi was the First female Prime Minister of India, she was daughter of Jawahar Lal Nehru( First Prime Minister of Independent India). She served in Prime Minister office  from January 1966 to March 1977 and again got elected and served as Prime Minister from January 1980 until her assassination in October 1984. She born on 19 November 1917 in Prayagaraj and was married to Feroze Gandhi. Talking of Bangladesh war she stood with the people of Bangladesh againts Pakistan and make Bangladesh( then East Pakistan) won the war. She also provided shelters to around a crore refugees in India that were coming from Bangladesh.
She not only participated as an ally in Bangladeshi War of Independence but also escaped  Bangabandhu from Pakistani jail.
She also decided with providing shelters to refugees India would also take armed action against west Pakistan and the results were in favour of East Pakistan and its ally India. East Pakistan became an independent country Bangladesh after this war with help of India and courage and contribution of Indra Gandhi in this war will always be remebered. 


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