Please the answers of vii and xi

Please the answers of vii and xi Exercise B (A) o : 550 m : mm 20 mt t ktn 1 hoi" j 20 minutes days: lyear ? 5 TSOO year and spends a year, Find the ratio of to his expcnd•tuvv•. (iii his saving to his income. kg ofnee I SOO p have been taken out for cooking. What is the ratio out the amount len in the bay alloy consists of 3— g of copper and 2— g 01" un- Find the ratio of copper to tha the simplest form. shop. = of the people are males. Write the ratio of males and females in Choice Questions (MCQS) nx of 9 days to 3 weeks is In the word •MATHEMATICS', the ratio of the number of consonants to the length ofa rectangular tiame is — m and the width is — m. What is the ratio of the ratio orthe number oc prime numbers to the number of conu»sit.e I and SO Inclusive? old and her brother Apoorv is 16 years old Whal tix

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