Please write a poem or story by making use of all the parts of speech. Underline the parts of speech.

Dear student,

Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- I was thrilled at having won the gold medal in high jump in school.
- When I returned home my parents had gone to the market and I started planning how I would break this exciting news to them when they returned.
- I kept the gold medal in my pocked and waited for my parents.
- Just then, I heard someone crying. The sound was coming from the neighbour's house.
- It was my neighbour's wife who was crying loudly.
- I rushed to her house and offered my help.
- She said, "Oh dear! please help me." She told me that her son was unwell and there was no one in the house to purchase the medicine.
- I went to the nearby chemist shop to buy the medicine. However, at the shop I realised that I forgot to bring money.
- I suddenly realised that the gold medal was still in my pocket. Without any hesitation, I handed over my medal to the chemist to get the medicines for my neighbour's son. 
- The chemist was touched by my gesture and he accompanied me to our neighbours house with the medicines. 
- My neighbour said, " Bless you! I couldn't have done it without you." 
- I came home, surprisingly happier and contented.

In English language, there are eight parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. This story contains all parts of speech. I have categorised the underlined words under different parts of speech:

Noun : medal, school
Pronoun : she, I
Verb :  waited, went
Adjective : exciting, gold
Adverb :  loudly, surprisingly
Preposition : to, with
Conjunction : and, that
Interjection : oh dear, bless you 


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