Pls ans the question ASAP

Dear Student,
Given, the mass of the student, M = 80 kg.
For a weighing machine at rest, the weight of any body of mass M would be:
W = Mg
The weighing machine is kept on a platform which is going down the slope with an acceleration a (say).
The component of acceleration of the platform vertically downwards is 
a' = asin30o=a2
As the platform is accelerating down the incline, the net acceleration relative to the platform acting on the person on the balance is
g' = g - a'g'=g-a2
Thus, the weight of the student recorded by the weighing balance relative to the accelerating platform is
W'=Mg'=Mg-a2As per question,W=80gW'=75gW-W'=5gAlso,W-W'=Mg-Mg-a2=5gMa2=5gTaking g = 10ms-2a=5g×2M=5×10×280=10080=54=1.25ms-2

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