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Pls ans this fast It's urgentt... ACTIVITY ADVERBS CLASS TASK below tells us how dictionaries are made somehow haste. the writer incorporated incorrect adverbs, Rectify the error and replace the underlined With the most suitable ones. A dictionary is an attempt to captwe a language. As more words come into English someday, so each new of a dictionary seeks to Obtain the latest words, Dictionary editors are always looking out for new words. They mercilesslV the media.for words that are fast coming into teed the results m to database. To make process systematic. used to scan large Chunks of electronic text and Check against dictionary for new words. This Sort Of computer program can process the text more and than a human reader, although editors still need to judge if the words need to go into the When a new edition of a dictionary is due to be published, editors will review the words they have collected. They hardly decide which ones are important by using a large database of language called a 'corpus'. which contains millions or even billions Of words taken from a range O different situations in which it is used. The frequently a word appears, the more likely it is to go into the dictionary. But editors, never ever take account of sich matters as whether the word is restricted to certain users or a particular news story. After making their selection of words, editors Will then compile the dictionary entries for these.

someday: every day
mercilessly: meticulously
calmly: diligently
rarely: commonly
more slowly: much faster
inaccurately: accurately

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