Pls answer this ques.l.l.l.


Ans. Option a) is correct: All of the above

Algae are very small living organisms that look like plants. They are found almost everywhere including lakes, streams, oceans, ponds, marshes, soil, stone or woods. They are green, blue or brown in colour. They are very important organism that produce huge amount of oxygen which is required for breathing. They are so small that sometimes microscope is needed to see them.
Pigments found in Algae are:
1. Green algae: Chlorophyll a and b.
2. Brown algae: Chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin.
3. Red algae: Phycoerythrin.
4. Blue-green algae: Phycocyanin.
Algae are both unicellular as well as multicellular. Diatoms are unicellular algae, whereas Spirogyra is multicellular. 

The members of Rhodophyceae are known as red algae because they contain a red pigment known as phycoerythrin which give them red colour.

Brown colour of brown algae is due the presence of the xanthophyll pigment fucoxanthin.  


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