pls answer with explanation

Dear Student,

The position of the ovary with respect to the floral parts is used to classify the flowers into hypogynous, perigynous and epigynous flowers.
So, option B) is correct: ovary with respect to petals.

As per the diagram given in question:
I depicts the hypogynous flower
II depicts the perigynous flower.
III depicts the epigynous flower.
Ovary type Flower Position  Example of Families
Superior Hypogynous When the ovary arise from above the floral parts (sepals, petals and androecium) Solanaceae
Half-inferior Perigynous When the floral parts arise from same position Rosaceae (Rose), passifloraceae
inferior Epigynous When the ovary arise from below the floral parts. Cucurbitaceae, Asteraceae


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