Pls can you solve the following sums with explanations??

Your recipe for cookies requires 2 5/8 cups of flour. You want to make a double

recipe, and have 5 1/4 cups of flour. Do you have enough flour?

3. From a rope 11 m long, two pieces of lengths 13/5 m and 33/10 m are cut off. What is the

length of the remaining rope?

4. A drum full of rice weighs 241/6 kg. If the empty drum weighs 55/4 kg, find the weight of rice

in the drum.

5. Rita had $300. She spent 1/3 of her money on notebooks and 1/4 of the remainder on

stationery items. How much money is left with her?

6. Find the cost of 17/5 meters of cloth at $147/4 per meter.

7. A car is moving at an average speed of 202/5 km/hr. How much distance will it cover in 15/2


8. One liter of petrol costs $187/4. What is the cost of 35 liters of petrol?

9. An airplane covers 1020 km in an hour. How much distance will it cover in 25/6 hours?

10. The cost of 7/2 meters of cloth is $231/4. What is the cost of one meter of cloth?

11. A cord of length 143/2 m has been cut into 26 pieces of equal length. What is the length ofeach piece?

12. The product of two rational numbers is 48/5. If one of the rational number is 66/7, find the

other rational number.

1. Cups of flour required = 258 = 218
And cups required to make a double receipe = 2×218 = 428 = 214

number of cups available = 514 = 214

Therefore there is enough cup available to make the receipe.

3. Total length of rope = 11 m

total length cut off = 135+3310 = 26+3310 = 5910 m

So remaining length = 11-5910 = 110-5910 = 5110 = 5110 m.

Kindly ask the remaining questions in different threads.

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