pls give reasons 
1. roadside shopkeeper sprinkle  water outside the shop on a dusty day
2.sugar can not be separated from water be evaporation
3. we can not use either ,sieving, handpicking techniques for separating salt and sand

1. Water is heavier than air, it settles the dust by bringing it down with it.
​2. Sugar can be separated from water by evaporation.
3. Sand and salt both have small particle size so sieving or handpicking is not viable. However mixing both of them in water and then sieving can be done. This way salt will be dissolved in water and then sand can be separated by sieving. Salt can be obtained by evaporating water.

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3. we can use sieving to separate sand from stones. fine particles of sand can pass through the sieve.
2. sugar can be separated from water by evaporation
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