Pls help exam tomorrow
Q3)1st part

Dear student
The government has taken certain initiatives to ensure increase in agricultural production. These include the following:

Reorienting agriculture from being rain-fed to irrigation. This means reducing dependency on monsoon rains by constructing irrigation sources like canals, tanks, wells and installing mechanised pumps and tubewells.

Use of High Yield Variety (HYV) seeds and fertilizers. This practice was initiated in 1960s with the aim of starting Green Revolution to create self-sufficiency in food grain production. This has particularly increased production of rice and wheat.

Subsidy to farmers on purchase of seeds, fertilizers, equipment like tractors, electric pumps and electricity to encourage use of modern technology in agriculture while creating a simultaneous economic base to sustain it.

Making available credit to farmers for purchase of seeds and equipment.

Establishment of research institutes that work towards developing newer seeds and technologies to improve productivity.

Spreading awareness among farmers regarding the use of technology through television and radio.

Provisions like minimum support price to guarantee returns to farmers on their crops.


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