Pls help me to solve my assignment

Except 3,4,5,8&9 questions
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3. The things of beauty are the Sun, the Moon,old and new Trees, sheep, daffodils, green world, clear stream, musk roses that bloom among the thick forests ferns,dead of our noble ancestors tales.
4. Many thing in this world cause suffering and pain.Sadness and disappointment are the biggest source of suffering.Another one is the lack of noble qualities and good manners in human beings.Our unhealthy and evil ways also our spirits.
Such thing are despondence, dearth of noble natures, gloomy days, unhealthy and over darkened ways.?
8. It is the natural beauty, fresh air, mountains, crystal rivers and fragrance of flowers. Which makes humans love life.
9. Grandeur is association with the mighty dead because certain tombs and other grand constructions are created in the memory of their death.
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Here you go!

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Ans1Through his?poem?he conveys that a?thing?of?beauty?removes the pall of sadness and sorrow and gives us joy and pleasure. The?beauty?of a?thing?goes on increasing and never passes into nothingness. ... It never fades into nothingness, in fact its?loveliness?increases with each passing? Ans 2 According to Keats every small or big thing of nature is a thing of beauty and a source of pleasure. The sun, the moon, the trees and daffodil flowers are all things of beauty. So are the small streams with clear water, mass of ferns and the blooming musk roses
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Sorry i dont know anymore
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Ans 13 A thing of beauty is a source of constant joy. Beauty can be found everywhere. It is something that has the ability to transform lives. It also highlights the fact that beauty has a therapeutic quality, i.e. the ability to remove negativity. It can be any object, nature, tales or even noble deeds of our ancestors.
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Ans 11 Look, they say,?literature?will?make?you a better person even if you can't?make?money from it. All that practice in empathising with strangers' minds will?make?you wiser and a morally better person. And it will?make?our society as a whole kinder and more tolerant
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