Pls.. I need it very fast, pls.. Tina went to a bookshop to get some story books and textbooks. When her friends asked her how many books she had bought, she answered, the no. of textbooks is 2 more than twice the the no. of story books bought. Also, the no. of textbooks is 4 less than 4 times the no. of story books bought. Help her friends to find the no. of text and story books she had.

Answer :


Total number of story books  =  x
Total number of text books =  y

So from first condition we get

y  =  2x  +  2

y  -  2x  =  2  ---------------- ( 1 )

And from second condition we get

y +  4  =  4x

y  -  4x  =  - 4  ------------------- ( 2 )

now  we subtract equation 2 from equation 1 , we get

2x  =  6

x  = 3  , Substitute that value in equation 1 , we get

y  - 2 ( 3 ) = 2

y  =  8


Total number of Story books  =  3
Total number of text books  =  8  ( Ans )

  • 3

Let the number of story books be x.

Let the number of textbooks be y.

By question : y= 2+2x , y- 2x = 2 (1)

y= 4- 4x, y+ 4x =4 (2)

Using Elimination Method:

y+4x =4 - y-2x = 2 6x = 2

x= 2/6 = 1/3 which is not possible.

Hence there is a mistake in the question.

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Let no. of txt books be-x

let no of story books be-y

According to question,



i.e, x-2y=2


therefore by solving the equation.. the final answer is-

x=8 and y=3

  • 0
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