Pls identify the image and explain....Sustainability

Dear student,
1st picture- 
The picture with two leaves must be giving the message of environmental conservation and sustainable energy resources. when all other alternative sources of energy would be depleted we will have only one option and that is green energy.we must understand the importance of ecologically created green energy and should take steps to promote it further.
2nd image:- 
An Ecology-house (or Eco-home) is an environmentally low-impact home designed and built using materials and technology that reduces its carbon footprint and lowers its energy needs. Eco-homes are measured in multiple ways meeting sustainability needs such as water conversation, reducing wastes through reusing and recycling materials, controlling pollution to stop global warming.This picture is showing the same.
3rd image:-
It is quite difficult to interpret the image because it is looking unclear but it must be a more advanced version of ecology house, where there are houses in the Woods that produce their own energy and meet energy demands such type of houses may be proved to be an amazing method to reduce carbon footprint and global warming.

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