pls illustrate the vegetative propagation by shoot , root using pictures.

pls show the process of cutting , grafting and layering with the help of suitable figures or diagrams. 


It refers to the formation of a complete plant from the regenerated pieces of roots, stem etc.

Examples: Rose, sugarcane, money plant etc.

Stem cutting

Stem cutting − in this short length of stem of plants are removed and placed in suitable conditions to develop roots. Sometimes root cutting has to be placed in rooting hormone to stimulate rooting

Root cutting − in this method root cuttings are put in damp soil to produce anew plant.


In this method, a stem cutting from the desired plant (scion) is inserted on a rooted plant (stock) which is resistant to diseases. These are bound firmly with the help of tape or cloth so that they have vascular continuity.

Examples: Rose, mango, citrus etc.


Bud grafting − In this scion of a dormant bud are grafted on to the disease resistant stock. The scions of good coloured roses are grafted on to the stocks of wild rose to produce a better rose variety.


In this method, the branch of a plant is bent and covered with moist soil called mound. After a few days, roots arise from the underground portion. These separate from the parent plant and grow independently.

Examples: Jasmine, strawberry, bougainvillea etc.


Layering is of two types − air layering and mound layering

Mound layering − the stem is bent so that node lies beneath the soil. The growing tip remains above the soil. Adventitious roots grow at the node which is cut from the parent plant and grown as in jasmine and strawberry.

Air layering − in this method plants having thick branches that can not be bent are propagated. The stem of such plants are girdled, covered with a moist cotton and is kept in a polythene bag. When adventitious roots start appearing, the branch is cut and planted.

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