Pls provide me the general rules on how to identify which comound is more reactive to nucleophilic reaction and also electrophilic. Example when we have phenol and other substituted benzenes how to identify among them? a

The main thing which should be noticed is the groups attached to the benzene ring. If the groups attached to the benzene ring are electron donating then the electron density of the ring increases due to which it will behave like nucleophile. So, it will exhibit mainly electrophilic substitution reactions.
When the electron withdrawing group is attached to it, the electron density is decreases due to which it becomes electrophile. So, by the nature attached group you can find the nature of reactivity. 
For e.g. Phenol: OH group is attached to the benzene ring. OH group is electron donating group. So, it will increase the electron density of the ring. It behaves as nucleophile. So, most of the reactions of phenol are electrophilic substitution reactions.

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