Pls provide the answer to these questions very very urgently!!!

Dear student
2. Symbiotic bacteria are the bacteria that live in symbiosis (mutual relationship in which both organisms are benefited) with other organisms or with each other. For example, Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacteria that lives in the roots of leguminous plants. The bacteria helps these plants to fix atmospheric nitrogen and these plants in turn provide shelter and food to bacteria. Bacteria fixes atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms to be used by plants. It is a biofertilizer as it is a living organism that enriches nutrient content of the plant by fixing atmospheric nitrogen and converting into usable organic form. 

3. Starter added to fresh milk to set into curd is a small amount of curd that act as source of millions of Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus). These millions of LAB multiply at suitable temperature and produce lactic acids. The acidic medium produced because of lactic acid coagulates the milk proteins like casein, converting milk to curd. Lactic acid is produced through fermentation of lactose.
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Looking forward to hear from you soon. 

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