Pls solve no.8 with detailed steps and explain the question .....pls dont give any link as the answer ...
Q.8. An α -active radioisotope of He is kept in a sealed container. The mass of the radioisotope in the container is 5 g. The volume of He gas collected in 2 hours is 22.4 mL after disintegration of the radioisotope. What is the half life of the radioisotope?
A. 3120.3 years
B. 3123.3 years
C. 3460.3 years
D. 3463.3 years

Dear Student,

As volume of He gas collected at STP= 22.4 ml22.4 L or 22400 ml of volume is occupied by 1 mol i.e. 4 g of HeSo, 22.4 ml of volume will be occupied by 422400×22.4=0.004 g of HeAs initial amount of radioisotope , N0=5 g Amount of radioisotope disintegrated =0.004 gSo, amount of radioisotope that remains after 2hrN = 5-0.004=4.996 gt= 2hr 1 yr = 365 daysand, 1 day = 24 hrSo, 1 yr= 365×24 hrSo 1 hr=1365×24yrSo, 2 hr=2365×24yrAs logN0N=λt2.303so, λ=2.303tlog N0N        =2.3032365×24yrlog 5 4.996        =10087.14 ×0.00348 yr-1        =35.187 yr-1t12=0.693λ      =0.69335.187 yr-1      =0.0197 yr
There seems to be some problem in the options given.

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