pls solve this experts !!! urently answer needed
assume graphs in order 1,2,3 respectively ... pls pls pls pls pls answerrrr!!!!!

Dear student, (a) is shown by the 1st graph. At t=0, when the thrower just throws the ball the velocity is highest. As the ball moves upwards it's velocity decreases. At the height the velocity becomes zero (the graph the line touches the time axis i.e. velocity is zero). Then while comming down to the throwers hand the velocity increases. (b) graph 3 is correct. First object decelerates i.e. velocity vs time graph linearly decreases then velocity becomes constat so the line in graph is parallel to time axis (i.e. time increases but velocity is constant). Then the obje t accelerates i.e. graph linearly increases. Regards,

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