pls.solve this sum

(5/6)^-3 x (3/10)^-2
(6/5)^3 x (10/3)^2
216/125 x 100/9

Thank You
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Please find this answer

  • -1
=(5/6)-3 * (3/10)-2
=(6/5)3 * (10/3)2
=(6/5 * 6/5 * 6/5) * (10/3 * 10/3)
=216/125 * 100/9( 25 cancels 100 and 125  by 4 and 5 respectively and 9 cancels 216 and 9  by 24 and 1 respectively)
= 24/5 * 4
Ans = 96/5 = 19.2 = 191/5
  • 1
=(6/5)^3 *(10/3)^2
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Hope u understand it!!

  • -1
Sorry that was not the answer
  • -1
This is the rral answer

  • 0
6/5 *6/5*6/5*10/3*10/3
  • 0
If you don't want answer to be in decimal than multiply the answer by 10.

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Let me know if it really helps you!!

  • 2
What are you looking for?