Pls solve this with proper steps

Pls solve this with proper steps A girl walks along an east-west street, and a graph of her displacement from home is as shown in figure. Her average velocity for the whole time interval is- Displacement east(m) 4 3 20 10 -30 (A) Zero (C) 11 m/min c 5 10 i 15 20 t min (B) 6 m/min (D) 15 m/min

dear student
as we can see for complete time interval of 20 min.her displacement is zero. she is again back to home at t= 20
therefore not displacement =0
a v e r g a e space v e l o c i t y space equals fraction numerator 0 over denominator 20 space m i n end fraction equals 0 a v e r g a e space v e l o c i t y space equals space 0

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