Pls tell ans

Dear Student,
Objects having density less than that of water wll float on water.Here, metals and stone are having density greater than that of water.Therefor, they will sink when placed in water.


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A floating object displaces its own mass of water so creating an upthrust equal to its weight. (Archimedes principle) . 
You need to consider density to understand this. 
The density of rock ( stone)/metal  is several times that of water - so the rock sinks - the water displaced is much less in mass than the mass of the stone. 

Hope it helps :)
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The buoyancy force of a stone is much smaller than its gravity /metal force, which is why the stone sinks (although the buoyancy force makes the stone/metal sink slower than it would do through the air).The deeper into the water the ship sits (without actually submerging completely), the more buoyancy force is created.

In simpler words, the density of a stone or metal is much larger than water, we know if an object has more density than water, it'll sink, therefore, stone/metals sink in water.

Hope this helps ;)
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