Pls tell;me how to identify phrases and clauses....

Dear Student, 

A phrase is a group of words which does not make a full sentence and does not make sense on its own. It might or might not have a subject, verb or an object.
A clause, however, is a group of words which contains a subject and a predicate, or, in simpler words, a subject and the action the subject is performing. 
For example, let us consider the sentence "I went home after finishing my work."
Here, 'I went' would be a clause, since it contains a subject (I) and the action the subject is performing (went).
However, 'my work' would be just a phrase, since it does not contain a subject or the verb, and does not make sense on its own.

For more information on this topic, refer to the material available on our website. The link for the same is given below for your convenience.

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Predicates always includes verbs. Unlike a phrase, aclause can be a complete sentence – if it has a subject and a predicate. This type of clause is called an independent clause, as it can stand alone independently, with no other words or phrases needed to make it a complete sentence.
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A phrase and a clause cab complete sentence only if it have subject and predict.These are called clause which can stand alone freely, with no others words/sentences/phrases which need to make a complete sentence.

Hope it helps,
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