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Ans. Anaemia and Jaundice

Erythroblastosis foetalis refers to life-threatening disease of a foetus or a new born infant in which the immune system of the mother produces antibodies against the red blood cells of the infant resulting in the destruction of the red blood cells of the foetus. This is because of the Rh incompatibility between the mother and the foetus and may result the foetus to suffer from severe anaemia, brain damage or even death in extreme cases. An injection of anti‐Rh antibodies can be given to prevent Erythroblastosis foetalis. Rh- women should receive this injection before delivery, and soon after every delivery, miscarriage, or abortion. These antibodies bind to and inactivate the foetal Rh antigens before the mother’s immune system can respond to the foreign antigens by producing her own anti‐Rh antibodies.


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