Plz answer my question

1. Differentiate between Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis.

2. Answer th following 
(a) How many consecutive division will take place in producing 16 daughter cells from 1 cell by mitosis cell division. 
(c) Wha is the unit term of DNA helix?

Dear student,
Refer below for above asked query:-




Cytokinesis is the biological process involving the division of a cell’s cytoplasm during mitosis or meiosis.


Karyokinesis is the biological process involving the division of a cell’s nucleus during mitosis or meiosis.


It is divided into four stag es –prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.


Stages such as prophase, metaphase, anaphase , and telophase are not present in karyokinesis.

2 right parenthesis a right parenthesis space 1 space m i t o t i c space d i v i s i o n space p r o d u c e s space 2 space d a u g h t e r space c e l l s comma space t h u s space t o space p r o d u c e space 16 space c e l l s i t space w i l l space t a k e space 4 space m i t o t i c space d i v i s i o n s. 1 minus negative greater than 2 minus negative greater than 4 minus negative greater than 8 minus negative negative greater than 16 c right parenthesis space T h e space u n i t space t e r m space o f space D N A thin space h e l i x space i s space N u c l e o t i d e.

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