Plz answer th is ques

Dear student,
(a) The result of the radio-carbon dating was correct.
Reason : Vehicles running on the highway beside the house emitted carbon dioxide from the combustion of petrol or diesel, which are fossil fuels.
The carbon in this carbon dioxide, coming from living material that has been converted into petroleum millions of years ago, would get assimilated into the tissues of the plant as it uses carbon dioxide from the surrounding atmosphere for photosynthesis.
Therefore tissues of the plant, when used for radio-carbon dating, would show the age of the plant to be many thousands of years old.
(b) A simple experiment to test the validity of this explanation would be to collect seeds from the plant and grow them in a plot of land away from the highway or other sources of carbon dioxide coming from the burning of fossil fuels.
Radio-carbon dating of plants growing from these seeds should show them as young plants.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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