Plz answer this urgently??

Dear Student ,

(a) ​​​​​Mendel wanted to see the interactions between traits .He also wanted to find out what was the basis of inheritance.He wanted to see how one trait pass and show its characteristics from one generation to other in presence of other traits.So he carried out his experiments with two traits.He did di-hybrid cross to study two traits. He also gave the law of segregation in which he stated the manner in which traits segregate during zygote formation.He did the experiments and found out how traits dominate and gave the law of dominance.
​​​​​​He conducted experiments with two trait and hence found out that assortment of one trait is independent of the other and gave the law of Independent Assortment.
Hence to study various interactions in inheritance ,he conducted his experiment with two traits.

(b) If two pairs of contrasting characters are involved, then the cross is termed as dihybrid cross
      Inheritance of Two Genes (Dihybrid Cross)
  • In dihybrid cross, we consider two characters. (e.g., seed colour and seed shape)
  • Yellow colour and round shape is dominant over green colour and wrinkled shape.
Phenotypic ratio 9:3:3:1 of Fgeneration.
Round yellow 9
Round green 3
Wrinkled yellow 3
Wrinkled green 1

​​​​​​He found that, the traits were not blended out but found in distinct phenotypes.

​​​​​​(c) Phenotypic ratio obtained was 9​:3:3:1.



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