plz define these terms: BIOETHICS and SOMACLONAL VARIATIONS.

Dear Student,

@dkgdomehar, your friends have answered correctly.

 Hope you got it, 

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 Bioethics: The study of the ethical and moral implications of new biological discoveries and biomedical advances, as in the fields of genetic engineering and drug research.

Somaclonal Variations: The variation between individuals in a clone, particularly in plant clones. While the objective is usually to grow clones without variation, somaclonal variation does provide the opportunity to generate new plant types that would be harder or impossible to generate by conventional plant breeding.

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BIOETHICS :  it's the ethical contreversy in biology and the advances it's made in medicine, food technology etc. for example, combining an animal gene to a piece of fruit may have beneficial effects on the consumer, but some people think it is wrong to 'mess' with genetics.

SOMACLONAL VARIATIONS :it is a term  used to describe the variations seen in plants that have been produced by  plant tissue culture.........

hope my answer helps u .....


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thanx g.saranya....

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thanx rashi..

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 We will mam.....

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