Plz do it for me i dont getting the ans

Plz do it for me i dont getting the ans .AYli„orre ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE Class n. There is an error in ew•h line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answ sheet as given below. (a) The global Obesity Crisis or rising levels Of (b) chronic disease such as diabetes and strokes has put pressure on fast food chains to cut (d) the salt, fat and sugar content in what they sell. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answ sheet as given below. Incorrect (a) Summer always spells magic. That is the time (b) when schools closed their gates and loved (c) Ones—cousins, uncles or aunts descend (d) in the spacious family home. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answ sheet as given below. Tens of thousands of bats emerged from under (a) the bridge. It was a amazing sight, (b) I learnt a few fact about these creatures. (c) The baby bats is known as pups. (d) Each mother bat delivers only one pups. There is an error in each line- Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answe sheet as given below Incorrect (a) A man was travelling through a bus (b) one day. He was carrying a huge hag on him (c) shoulder. Anyone sitting next to said, (d) "Why didn't you keep your bag under the seat?" The man smiled and "It too big." Correct There is an error in each line, Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answer sheet as given be:ow. (a) In the process to learning. self-help is the (b) better help, Depending always on others, (c) even on teachers or •s a sign Of (d) weakness. In the Mahabharata, their a Incorrect Correct wonder character of Ekla\ya who is an ideal for modern students.

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