plz explain me the fifth postulate of euclid.......

 Non-Euclidean geometry is the term used to refer to two specific geometries which are, loosely speaking, obtained by negating the Euclidean parallel postulate, namely hyperbolic and elliptic geometry. This is one term which, for historical reasons, has a meaning in mathematics which is much narrower than it appears to have in the general English language. There are a great many geometries which are not Euclidean geometry, but only these two are referred to as the non-Euclidean geometries.

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 but WHAT is the meaning of  euclid's FIFTH POSTULATE???????

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but WHAT is the meaning of  euclid's FIFTH POSTULATE???????

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IIn geometry, the parallel postulate, also called Euclid's fifth postulatebecause it is the fifth postulate in Euclid's Elements, is a distinctive axiomin Euclidean geometry. It states that, in two dimensional geometry:

If a line segment intersects two straight lines forming two interior angles on the same side that sum to less than two right angles, then the two lines, if extended indefinitely, meet on that side on which the angles sum to less than two right angles.

hope it helpzzzz


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The axiom five is "The whole is greater than a part".

for example:If you take two kit kat bars and name first one as 'A' and second one as'B'.

now cut this A bar as pieces and compare it with the 'B' bar.

what will you find?

The big bar is greater than the small pieces.

This is what Euclid has told"The whole is greater then the part".

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