plz explain the different types figures of speech in detail 
with examples,
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A 'figure of speech' is just that – figurative language. It might be words with a literal meaning, a certain arrangements of words, or a phrase with a meaning that is something entirely other than that of the words themselves. Figures of speech can be refreshing and fun, but for some a figure of speech can be very confusing. The following are some types of figure of speech:
1. Alliteration :
This is a very common figure of speech that involves using words that begin with the same sound. It is often used in advertising slogans to create something catchy that more people will remember. Example-
i) Sally sells sea shells by the seashore.
ii) Carrie's cat clawed her couch, creating chaos.
2. Hyperbole : This figure of speech makes things seem much bigger than they really were by using grandiose depictions of everyday things. Hyperbole is often seen as an exaggeration that adds a bit of humour to a story. Example-
i) It was faster than a cheetah!
ii) It was dumber than a rock!”
3. Metaphor : The use of metaphor compares two things that are not alike and finds something about them to make them alike. Some writers try to use this style to create something profound out of comparing two things that appear to have nothing at all in common. Example-
i) My heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill”
4. Simile : In this figure of speech, two things are compared that are not really the same, but are used to make a point about each other. This is often used to make an emotional point about something. The difference between simile and metaphor is that you can obviously see words "like" in the sentence. Example-
i) Life is like a small box of chocolates.
ii) She is as intelligent as an owl.
5. Onomatopoeia : This is the use of a word that actually sounds like what it means. Example- “hiss” or “ding-dong” or “fizz.” These words are meant to describe something that actually sounds very much like the word itself. This is a trick often used in advertising to help convey what something is really like. 
6. Personification : This is a way of giving an inanimate object the qualities of a living thing. This can sometimes be used to invoke an emotional response to something by making it more personable, friendly and relatable. Example-
i) “The tree quaked with fear as the wind approached” 
ii) “The sun smiled down on her” is another.
7. Oxymoron : This puts two words together that seem to contradict each other. Many people use these to promote the humour in a situation. Example-
i) “Military intelligence,” “real phony,” “civil war,” and “silent yell”

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