Plz fast....very urgent

Plz fast....very urgent — O) — (tan — sec Oj O —sec O 1) (tan O — ec O) O —sec O see O—tanO' B the RHS of the identity, we are required to prove. EXERCISE 8.4 ratios gin A, A A in of A Wrie Other ntios Of Z A in terms Of Sec A 630 sin: 270 the Correct noon - Justify your + COte—cosecG)— (B) sin A tan: 5• hove tlr dentities. where the angles for w' &fincd Cot

Dear Student,

4. (i) 9sec2A - 9tan​2A = 9(sec2A - tan2​A) = 9 x 1 = 9
[Since 1 + tan2A = sec2​A, or, sec2A - tan2A = 1]

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