plz give an example of each rules:

1. A verb should agree with its subject in terms of number and person.

2. Tense consistency has to be maintained.

3. A pronoun must be consistent with its antecedent.

4. Conjunctions should be used correctly.

5. The rules for using articles and determiners have to be followed.

6. Prepositions should be used in a suitable manner.

7.Voice (active or passive) consistency must be maintained.

8. Direct and indirect speech must be considered


Here are the required examples:

1. He sings well/ They sing well

2. I was quite amazed by what just happened.

3. If anybody wants to become rich, they have to fight against all odds.

4. I screamed because I was scared. Carry an umbrella as it might rain today. I called but he did not pick.

5. Determiners determine something about the noun(s) they modify. These are basically of six types:

Articles: "An elephant". (Here, an is acting as an indefinite article, which means we are talking about any elephant not a particular elephant).
Possessive Nouns: Ramesh's house is blue in colour". (Here, we are specifically talking about Ramesh's house not any other house).
Possessive Adjectives: My car is the best in town. (Here, my, which is a possessive adjective, is modifying the noun i.e., car).
Adjectives of Quantity: Sonu has many cars. (Here, many, which is the adjective of quantity, is modifying the noun i.e., cars).
Adjectives of Number: Fifty athletes turned up for the event. (Here, fifty, which is the adjective of number, is modifying the noun i.e., athletes).

Demonstrative Adjectives: This chicken is the best I have ever had. (Here, this, which is the demonstrative adjective, is modifying the noun i.e., chicken).

6. You will find him at his desk. Please put it on my desk. He was leaning against the desk.

7. Pour the sugar after the ghee. Sugar must be poured after the ghee.

8. She said, 'I will come today'. She said that she would come that day.


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