plz provide some detailed info on charles darwin and the theory of evolution

Charles Darwin was an English natural scientist who formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection on studying variation in plants and animals. He put forward his theories and ideas in a book called, ‘the Origin of Species'. Darwin's theory of evolution states that different species have evolved from simple life forms.  Living organisms have descended with modifications from their ancestor species. Individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce and may become extinct. Individuals with characteristics most suited to the environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. This means that their genes are less likely to be passed to their offspring i.e. they are heritable.

Example- Galapagos finches, peppered moth

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The idea of evolution in the sense of change over time goes back to ancient Greece and many scientists proposed the theories of evolution before Darwin. Darwin is considered as the father of evolution because of his famous theory of natural selection that is considered as the basic mechanism of evolution.

Charles Darwin was the first to formulate a scientific argument for the theory of evolution by means of natural selection . Evolution by natural selection is a process that is inferred from three facts about populations: more offspring are produced than can possibly survive, traits vary among individuals, leading to differential rates of survival and reproduction, and )trait differences are heritable . Thus, when members of a population die they are replaced by the progeny of parents that were better adapted to survive and reproduce in the environment in which natural selection took place. This process creates and preserves traits that are seemingly fitted for the functional roles they perform. Natural selection is the only known cause of adaptation , but not the only known cause of evolution. Other, nonadaptive causes of evolution include mutation and genetic drift

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