Plz solve problem 1
1. An alpha particle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through 180° by a fixed uranium nucleus. The distance of closest approach is of the order of
(a) 1 A ˙                                      (b) 10-10 cm
(c) 10- 12 cm                             (d) 10-15 cm

Dear student 
at the closest distance all of the KE of alpha particle gets converted into  potentialenergy 

1mv22=5MeV=kQq/rhere Q= charge on uranium=92e q= charge on alpha paricle = 2e 5*106eV=9*109*92*2*e*e/r r= 9*109*92*2*e5*106=9*109*92*2*1.6*10-195*106=2.94*10-14m2.94*10-12cm 

  • -3
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