Plz solve Q no. 7, 8 and 9 for 1 mark question

Plz solve Q no. 7, 8 and 9 for 1 mark question 9 Why do we use bio-pesticides and bio-rerlilizers in organic farming ? Name the pioneer species in a water body and on a bare rock ? Why the pyramid Of energy is always upright ?

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We use bio pesticides and fertilizer because it enriches the fertility of the soil
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Pyramid of Energy is upright because it is unidirectional and obeys "10 per cent" Law
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Phytoplankton and Lichens
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Q7) We use them because they provide nutrients.
Q9) Pyramid is always upright because when energy is transferred from one tropic level to the next, so energy is lost or dissipates into the environment. Hence, higher levels have less energies compared to their lowers.
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