Plz solve these for Me!
The option of Q.8 are
a. 9 b. -1 c. -9 d. 1

Dear student,

1) In a proper fraction, numerator is always less than the denominator.
Therefore, a proper fraction is always less than one and answer is a

2) 725=0.28
answer is b.

3) 2x+7y2=2×2+7×12=4+7=11
Ans is a.

4) Father's age will be 3 times x i.e. 3x.
Answer is d.

5) All of them are 3-D shape.
Answer is d.

6) Subtraction of whole number shows none of the given properties and hence the answer is d.

7)  Perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors. 
divisors of 6 is 1, 2 and 3. and 1+2+3=6
Therefore, 6 is a perfect number.

8) 4 more than -5 = 4+ -5 = -1
answer is b.


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