Plz solve this fast

Plz solve this fast tDORkSHeeT--.4 0 1• to €41, panzL • eu_uur euzÆn1•••• ZUu,ee.tpUId) . CLa_au1) aLcut tn (I) tJkz euuar tn rvdn».ttß' 0_, Cm.u.aJ

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

a. attends
b. will be / is
c. had delivered / has delivered
d. will be leaving
e. has been painting
f. comes
g. plays
h. is postpone / has been postpone
i. has left / left
j. talked
k. eat
l. will start
m. is attending

I hope you find this answer helpful. Please post more questions on the forum to be assisted by our team.
Thank you.  

  • 0
F;- would Came
G;- Played
H;- Was  postponed
I;-  Had left
J;- Was talking
K;- Ate
  • 0
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