Plz solve this it is very important plz plz fasttt...

Plz solve this it is very important plz plz fasttt... Comprehension Passage 3 Walking is the key to fitness for people of all ages. It is a natural habit which one learns from an early age and it can become an insurance against major health problems, people generally have the wrong idea and vigorous exercise is the only way to keep fit. What they can't realize is that V\ulking which requires less effort can be as beneficial as any exercise. Walking can be especially effective in curing obesity from which many of us suffer. Obesity can occur in any age. NIapy housewives lead sedentary lives and tend to be obese. Regular walking is recommended as the first step towards weight reduction because housewives find it an easier form of exercise. An hour's walk of 3 miles per hour will burn about three hundred calories. This may seem a small amount equivalent to about 30 grams of fat, but if the walk becomes a habit it could add up to a weight loss of nine kilograms in a year. Some people believe that walking for exercise may adversely affect the heart since it is harmful. This is a myth. There is no evidence to support this belief. In fact, walking and mild exercises are prescribed to persons recovering from heart disease. It helps to reduce weight, improves work tolerance, and allows more physical activity to be undertaken with relatively less strain on the heart. Answer the following questions: QL (c) Q2. Q3. Q4. Walking serves as an insulance to people of all ages because it is: a key to fitness (b) helpful in regaining health and hygiene. a solution to all major health problems. (d) a boon to our health Why do many housewives turn obese? What are the benefits of a regular walk? Find a word from the para which means "fatness"

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