Plz solvebQ no.5 and 6

Plz solvebQ no.5 and 6 Arrange the to lot-m an upright pyramid of numbers as •well as energy ? grass, grasshoppers, frog, snake food chain of the following organisms showing undirectional flow of energy. Construct a hawk, cobra, grass

Dear student

5. Pyramid of number- It represents total number of individuals of different species at each trophic level. It is upright when number of individuals is decreased from lower to higher trophic level. This type of pyramid is generally followed in grassland and pond ecosystem.

Pyramid of energy-  It represents the amount of energy at each trophic level of a food chain. There is a loss of 10% of energy with increasing trophic level.

6.  Food chain is a linear network of flow of energy from producer to final consumer.

Grass----------------     rabbit    ----------------------------- cobra  -------------------------hawk 
( producer)          ( Primary consumer)     (secondary consumer)              ( tertiary consumer)


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