Plz tell Q36.

Plz tell Q36. y'The angle of elevation of the top of an tower at a pint 120m its base is 450. HOW much higher must the tower be so that its angle of elevation at same point may b e 600 ? the adjoining figure, the shadow of a vertical tower on the level ground increases by 10 m, When the altitude Of the sun changes from 450 to 300. Find the height of the tower and give answer, correct to — of a metre, (2002) aircraft is flying at a constant height with a speed of 360 km/h- From a pomt the ground, the angle of elevation of the aircraft at an instant was observed to be 43 sifter 20 seconds, the angle of elevation was observed the at which the aircraft is flying (use = 1532). multiple Choice Questions Choose the correct answer from the given four options (1 to 9): the length of BCis

∠ACB = 45º and ∠DCB = 60º

⇒ AB = 120m



Height increase in the tower = BD - AB =

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