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Dear student, Covalent bond and intermolecular Hydrogen bond is present in a water molecule. A water molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen linked by covalent bonds to the same atom of oxygen. Atoms of oxygen are electronegative and attract the shared electrons in their covalent bonds.Consequently the electrons in the water molecule spend slightly more time around the oxygen atomic center and less time around the hydrogen atomic centers. The covalent bonds are therefore polar, and the oxygen atoms have a slight negative charge (from the presence extra electron share), while the hydrogens are slightly positive (from the extra un-neutralized protons).Opposite charges attract one another. The slight positive charges on the hydrogen atoms in a water molecule attract the slight negative charges on the oxygen atoms of other water molecules. This tiny force of attraction is called a hydrogen bond. This bond is very weak. Hydrogen bonds are formed easily when two water molecules come close together, but are easily broken when the water molecules move apart again. They are only a small fraction of the strength of a covalent bond, but, there are a lot of them and they impart some very special properties to the substance we call water. Regards,

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water molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen linked by covalent bonds to the same atom of oxygen. Atoms of oxygen are electronegative and attract the shared electrons in their covalent bonds.
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