Plzzzz answer long answer type questions

Plzzzz answer long answer type questions is the it ? 2. What do you know 'he Meridian 3. VVhat ts 1ST ? Why have taken one time zone for whole India ? 4. Write any two features onatitudes, . Long Answer Type Questions 1. VVhich tenn is used for the [Tue shape of the earth ? Discuss its Ove a brief account of the heat zones Of the earth. ifiérentiate between the Torrid and Frigid zones. 4. VVhy is there a rime difference of about 5 hours between India and Lordon ? tate whether the following statements is True or False 1. The globe is a flat representation of the earth. . 66%' N latitude is also known as the Arctic circle. . Temperate zone is the hottest place of the earth. S.A. has 5 time zones.

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