Plzzzzzzzz help me plzzzz

Dear Student,

vrain,road = vrain,man + vman,road ….................. (1)

Taking horizontal components in the equation (1) along the line OA [from figure a],

vrain,road sin(α) = 8 …......................(2)

From figure b we have,

vrain,road sin(30 + α) = 12 cos30 …................(3)


(3)/(2)=> [sin(30 + α)]/sin(α) = [12 cos30]/8

Solving this equation we get,

tan α = 1.154

=> α = 490

Using (2),

vrain,roadsin(49) = 8

=>vrain,road= 8/0.75

=>vrain,road= 10.6 m/s


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