Point p(5,-3)is one of the two points of trisection of the line segment joining the points A(7,3) and B(1,5)near to p find the cordinate of the other point of trisection

Dear student,
The coordinate of A is different in Image form and digital form.
Considering both the question, the question is seems to be wrong because In both question
A,P,B is not collinear as P must be lie in the line of AB because it is trisection point.
so please recheck your question and be little specific so that we can provide you with some meaningful help.
Looking forward to hear from you again.

  • -3
You can see 2a+b=3p where a ,b,p are either x or y coordinates of A,B and P respectively.
Hence P divides AB in the ratio 1:2
Hence another point(M say) is the mid point of PB
M= ((5+1)/2,(-3+5)/2)= (3,1)
  • 0
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