Poisons like cyanide inhibit Na+ efflux and K+ influx during cellular transport. This inhibitory effect is reversed by an injection of ATP. This demonstrates that:

a. energy for Na+- K+ exchange pump comes from ATP.
b. Na+- K+ exchange pump operates in the cell.
c. ATP is hydrolyzed by ATPase to release energy.
d. ATP is the carrier protein in the transport system.. Explain in detail....

Dear Student,

The correct answer is option (a) energy for Na+-K+ exchange pump comes from ATP. 

Cyanide is an inhibitor of cytochrome c oxidase or complex IV of electron transport chain. Cytochrome c oxidase catalyses the transfer of electrons from the reduced form of cytochrome c to molecular oxygen. Cyanide binds to the cytochrome c oxidase and inhibits the terminal transfer of electrons to oxygen. Thereby, blocks the production of ATP. Since the sodium-potassium pump constantly requires the energy released by the hydrolysis of ATP to work, but there is no 
ATP production by electron transport chain. Therefore, the efflux of sodium ions and influx of potassium ions is inhibited. 

An injection of ATP completes the requirement of ATP and hence the energy. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of cyanide is reversed on the activity of Na+-K+ pump.


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